March 2021


Spring is here!

Spring is the best season! The weather is warm; there is birdsong in the air and the long summer holidays are just around the corner. This is the perfect time to revel in the beauty of nature.

The Japanese used a special poem called a’ haiku’ to capture moments of pure beauty in nature. Like the moments they attempt to capture, the poems are short – 3 lines of 5-7- 5 words. The following is a translation of a famous Japanese haiku by the master Matsuo Basho.

Try to plant
As for a child
A little wild cherry tree.

(Matsuo Basho 1644-1694)

You too can try your hand at writing your very own haiku! What moment would you capture? 

And when you have finished your poem why not try your hand at making these cute birds? Click on the Youtube video below to find out how they are made!

Happy Spring everybody!

From the HKTeach Team
